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The collection of scientific works "Law and Public Administration" is a scientific professional edition, founded by Classic Private University in 2010.

Registration of Print media entity: Decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine: Decision No. 1543 as of 09.05.2024.

Professional registration: included in the List of Scientific Professional Editions of Ukraine (Category "B") in Public Administration and Legal Sciences (specialties: 081. Law, 281. Public Administration and Administration, 293. International Law) according to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 17.03.2020 No. 409 ( Appendix 1).

Accommodation on the NBUU websiteLaw and public administration

The collection of scientific works is indexed in the international scientometric database of Google Scholar.

The collection of scientific works is included in the international scientometric database Index Copernicus International (The Republic of Poland).

The editorial office assigns to each published material an international digital ID of DOI.

ISSN: Print 2663-5348, Online 2663-5356.

Periodicity: 4 times a year.

Language of the edition: Ukrainian, English.

The purpose of the collection of scientific works "Law and Public Administration" is to cover the results of scientific searches of researchers in the field of legal sciences and public administration

This goal defines the main tasks:

- facilitate the creation of an open information environment that facilitates interaction between leading professionals and young scientists in the fields of law and public administration;

- to intensify the development of the international community of specialists in the theory and practice of legal science and public administration research;

- promote the linking of the Classic Private University with the scientific and educational communities.

Thematic sections of the journal:

1. Theory and history of state and law; history of political and legal studies;

2. Constitutional law; municipal law; international law;

3. Civil law and process, family law;

4. Commercial law; economic procedural law;

5. Environmental law;

6. Labor law; social security law;

7. Administrative law and process; finance law; information law;

8. Criminal law and criminology; criminal executive law;

9. Criminal process and criminalistics; forensic examination; operational-search activity;

10. Methodology, theory and history of public administration;

11. Mechanisms of public administration;

12. Regional governance and local self-government;

13. Social and humanitarian policy;

14. Public service.